Thursday, December 29, 2011

Goodbye Resolutions! Hello, Real Change!

Happy New Year to everyone! I pray everybody had a blessed Christmas and is ready to get New Years underway. Personally, I can't believe that another year has now past. I mean I just now got over the fact that it was December. (geesh) Anyhow now we are all prepping for a new year to come and with that comes the New Years Resolutions. Honestly I can't stand them.  Usually because it's just another way for us to set ourselves up to not meet our own high expectations. I suggest instead of making a laundry list of things you will never do or vow to stop doing, think about the changes you want to see in 2012.  If it helps right them down. Then make a realistic plan with milestones and dates to help you get there.The thing to do here is to be REALISTIC! I mean is it realistic that you are never going to eat chocolate cake between now and December 2013 so you can lose 20lbs. Not probable.  Come up with some realistic goals to help you get there. For example drink a certain amount of water everyday, exercise at least 30 minutes twice a week,  or up your fruit and veggie servings.  Remember you have to be the change you want to see. So with that said have a very and prosperous New Year!


Monday, December 12, 2011

My Introduction to MAC Cosmetics

So fellow divas and the like, I finally did it. I took the MAC Makeup plunge.  One of my besties Alicia, a Make-up Professional and Artist, has been trying to get me to try MAC for years (approx 4). However, I just wasn't feeling it.  That was until I saw my other best friend Shani get her make up done at the MAC counter.  About a week later I was back with the charge card in hand and Alica leading the way!!! I saw they used this concealer on Shani and I just knew I needed it in my life. So with Alicia's help and a MAC specialist they were able to match me right on up.  By the end of everything I ended up with the Studio Finish Concealer, the Studio Fix Powder Plus Foundation, and their signature "OH BABY" lip glass (gloss).  I finally got to wear the concealer and foundation for the first time Sunday night at my church's Christmas dinner.  I have to say it felt very light and breathable. I wasn't afraid of smearing my make up by accidentally touching it or hugging someone.  It almost felt natural.   Now the only thing I wasn't used to was applying it. 

It is VERY concentrated so only a dab will do.  Needless to say I went a little over board at first but I was able to get it on the second try. I absolutely love it and can't wait to try other products.  Now don't get me wrong I am still going to shop around at other counters. However for right now I am going to focus on getting to know MAC's products a little better. 

Now I thought it would be great to get Alicia to help out others that may be new to MAC, or  new to make up.  Below is an interview Alicia did with me to help everybody out. Take a look! 

1. What is your favorite MAC Product and why?  

I actually have two: Studio Fix Powder Plus Foundation and Lipglass.  I love the Studio Fix because it does just what the name indicates - it provides coverage of a foundation and powder all in one!  For someone like me that is always on the go, I don't have time to dab on foundation then put a separate powder finish over it.  Sometimes that method causes heavy blotching and it does not look good.  With the Studio Fix, all I have to do is moisturize my skin, put it on, and go.  It is silky smooth and provides the perfect level of coverage. Lipglass is just one word: amazing!  It provides rich color and a high-gloss shine that remains unmatched.   There is a shade for everyone!
2. I wear makeup pretty regularly but I have never worn MAC. What is the best product for a MAC Newbie to try?

MAC is known for their bold, highly pigmented colors!  This proves true with their eyeshadows.  Eyes are the windows to one's soul, so definitely start here! I recommend buying a basic set of eyeshadow colors accompanied by their amazing brushes, all tailored for the eye. 

3. I am new to makeup period and the MAC counter looks very intimidating. What should I start with?

Grab a MAC specialist and have them give you a makeover!  That is your time to play around with colors and find out which shades and products work best for you and your skin.  Have the specialist write the product names down on cards so that you will know what to purchase when you are ready.  The specialists are specifically trained to help customers of all types!

4. What general advice do you have when it comes to MAC products period.

I may sound biased, but MAC is the only make-up I will ever use.  I've been using their products on myself and others for over a decade.  Their colors will always stay true to shade, no matter how long you have them.  Also, start small! Buy a basic set of neutral, every day colors (lipglass, lipstick, blush, foundation, eyeshadow, liner, mascara) and build your collection a few pieces at a time.  MAC always has new lines that come out each year so visit those make-up counters regularly and don't be afraid to try new products and colors.  Once you go MAC, you won't go back!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Being the Change I Want to See

When I came home yesterday evening I decided to share with my mom an idea I had for the image consulting business I want to start in the future.  I told her I was thinking about trying my hand at helping people make over there closets. I explained that it wold be apart of the services I would provide as an image consultant.Her overall response was that she doesn't see me doing that type of work  because she doesn't see me actually doing it in my everyday life. Now my natural reaction was to get defensive and adamantly give all the reasons on why I could be perfect in this line of work. I mean after all don't mechanics have the worst running cars?! After taking in everything my mom had to say I realized she was right.  I want to own my own business bad and I want to help people improve how they see themselves.   So in order to do that I have to be the change I want.

Many of us find ourselves in a rut with an "anywhere but here" mindset but have no idea how to get out of it.  The only way is to commit to being the change that you want to see. It starts with setting a series of mini measurable goals that will lead you to your overall goal.  Also make sure your mini goals are realistic and that you go back and re-evaluate them regularly.  To help keep track of your goals try writing them in this format...

At the bottom of a piece of paper right down what your current situation is. At the top of the same page right where you want to be in a certain amount of time. Finally in between those two sentences right a few measurable goals that would help you reach your overall goal.

My inspiration for this format actually came from a business site that discusses how to develop a strategy. So you can think of this goal setting exercise as a strategy for your personal life.  Hope y'all find this helpful andI will keep y'all updated on my goal setting progress! Till then
